Transparent Acrylite Soundstop Panels (EN)
Transportation – Laval, Québec
Divided into three sections, the Noise Wall has a distance of 2.1 kilometers between Hwy Papineau and Lublin Street, located on the west side of Laurentides Boulevard.
A unique project detail is the use of Acrylite Soundstop Transparent Panels on the top of concrete panels. While the transparent panels still reduce noise along the busy highway 440, its addition provided a particular aesthetic value for the homes bordering this portion of Hwy Jean-Noel-Lavoie.
Other benefits of Transparent Acrylite Soundstop include:
- High resistance to weathering from UV exposure
- Non-toxic, safe to the environment
- Will not rot, decay or decompose
- Will not yellow, haze or fade from sunlight
- Self-cleaning from rainfall
Project Details
Panel configurations were designed to meet project requirements. The design used for this project is the four-sided ‘’Acrylite Soundstop’’ Ready-Fit Panels system with aluminum frames. This design simplified installation.
Project Team
OWNER: City of Laval / Ministère des transports, de la mobilité durable et de l’électrification des transports
INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR: Universal Structures Inc.
SUPPLIER: Durisol & BPDR (Béton Préfabriqué du Richelieu)