Precast Lagging Panels & Copings for soldier pile retaining wall solutions

Soldier pile walls are used on sites where there is an abrupt grade change required to facilitate the functionality of the site. Soldier Pile retaining walls using lagging panels are a permanent solution for grade manipulation and can facilitate abrupt slopes and surcharge loading above the wall system. Panels can be manufactured as either sound reflective or sound absorptive if required.
Soldier Pile retaining walls are cantilevered earth retaining walls and are a complete engineered solution. The wall system is a combination of W-section structural steel posts which are imbedded into augured cylindrical concrete footings with precast lagging panels & copings installed between and spanning from post to post. Based on soils conditions and loading conditions for the wall system, soil nails can be used through the post system for added resistance if required.
- Mass transit projects
- Railway Corridors
- Sites where there are large loading or steep slopes
Main Features and Benefits
- Precast patterns and colours are more aesthetically pleasing than cast-in-place concrete alternatives.
- If sound reduction is a requirement, precast panels can be manufactured with either sound absorptive or reflective surfaces.
- Less material to manage heavy loading requirements
- Finished wall with the structure.
- Ease of installation with precast solution and less work onsite.
- Soldier Pile Lagging Panel solutions require less excavation than other retaining wall alternatives. Once the footing concrete has reached minimum design strength the wall panels and backfilling can be executed in tandem making it more efficient in comparison to CIP (cast in place).
- Integration of walls above the retaining wall are easily accommodated.
Design Details at a Glance
- Standard panel heights manufactured in CSA certified manufacturing facilities are based on 500, 750 or 1000mm
- Sound Absorptive panel options are available
- Panel Patterns and Colours can facilitate
- Panel weights vary based on panel length, panel height and thickness
- Standard Panels @ 2320 L x 750 H x 205mm T = approx. 856 kg
- Standard on centre post spacing = 2440mm o/c (or 8 ft). Other panel lengths can be manufactured to suit project specific requirements
- Posts are engineered based on project specific requirements.