Our Work

First Ever TL-4 Project for Illinois

Itasca, IL, USA

Project Team

Owner: IDOT

Contractor: Lorig Construction

Engineer/Architect: CH2M Hill

Solution(s): Acrylite TL-4 Crash Tested Barrier


First Ever TL-4 Project for Illinois

TransportationItasca, Illinois

As part of the Elgin O’Hare Western Access (EOWA) Project, the Illinois Tollway implemented a new, all-electronic toll road system that resulted in:

  • Restoring, widening and extending Illinois Route 390
  • Constructing 17 miles of new roads
  • Constructing and/or improving 15 interchanges

Given its scale, the federal transportation legislation designated the EOWA Project as a “Project of National and Regional Significance.”

The improvements would have a substantial impact on the surrounding suburbs. With the coming rise in traffic flow, there was a real need for both increased safety measures and noise mitigation.

Because this interchange was a bridge, there was also a real need for a solution that was lightweight enough to be retrofitted onto the existing structure. Weight is especially significant in that each bridge is built to withstand a specific amount of weight. Any increase in the weight could result in additional work on the bridge to accommodate heavier loads.

The Illinois DOT was certainly not interested in additional construction, so Durisol’s Acrylite Soundstop MASH TL-4 system was the perfect solution weighing in at as little as 100 lbs per linear foot.

Project Details

IDOT’s policy for structure-mounted barriers stipulated that they be crash-tested.

As the only system to meet that spec, our crash-tested barriers have been designed to utilize a W8 x 40 post.

Without straying too far from the crash-tested wall design, our team came up with a solution that would meet IDOT’s preference on wall heights not to exceed 8’ while still saying within the crash-tested requirements.

Acrylite Soundstop MASH TL-4 system mounted on a bridge along Illinois Route 390 in Itasca, Illinois.
Acrylite Soundstop MASH TL-4 system mounted on a bridge along Illinois Route 390 in Itasca, Illinois.

Project Team


CONTRACTOR: Lorig Construction