A retaining solution for every application.

Stabilize New Ground & Maximize Effective Land-Use
As engineers, we get the complexities of retaining wall projects. We want to help simplify your earth retaining projects, while still producing the same end result: a solid foundation you can build on. Stabilize ground and realize efficiencies by partnering with the only company in the marketplace that offers all types of retaining wall systems - that is: gravity segmental, cantilevered, MSE and Lagging panels.
Narrow Footprint Retaining Wall System (NFRWS)
Where there is a narrow footprint, you will find our precast earth retaining wall system. When real estate is limited, using posts and cylindrical, augured footings to create a cantilevered wall system saves space for the structure and associated excavation. Additionally, below grade insulation can be used to minimize the cut behind the wall and offer protection from freezing to the drainage system.
Segmental Block (Retain-A-Rock)
Our precast gravity segmental wall system is a smarter earth retaining solution to repair ground stability. Using the force of gravity to achieve strength, Retain-A-Rock™ is a large-format interlocking block that is light in weight and easy to maneuver. Build heights up to 3.6m before geosynthetic straps (geogrid) is needed.
Hybrid Retaining Wall System
A NEW precast post and panel retaining system that uses standard noise barrier size panels with integral MSE to achieve the most effective alternative to many other material systems. Engineered to do more with less, the slender post/footing design creates a smoother, faster installation. Compatible with many wall system integrations above, a single structure satisfies both retaining and wall system needs.
Lagging Panels & Copings
Precast Lagging Panels & Copings for soldier pile retaining wall solutions. Soldier pile walls are used on sites where there is an abrupt grade change required to facilitate the functionality of the site. Soldier Pile retaining walls using lagging panels are a permanent solution for grade manipulation and can facilitate abrupt slopes and surcharge loading above the wall system. Panels can be manufactured as either sound reflective or sound absorptive if required.